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00:00:21 - Interview introduction / Biographical information

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Partial Transcript: Interviewer: So just to start off tell me just a little bit about yourself like your background and where you’re from.

Segment Synopsis: Schneider details her early life and upbringing in Waunakee, Wisconsin.

00:02:38 - Basic training

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Partial Transcript: Interviewer: So when you first started where did you go to boot camp and stuff like that?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider describes her basic training at Lackland Air Force Base (Texas), and her experiences at the Air Force technical school after basic training.

00:07:15 - Decision to join the military

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Partial Transcript: Interviewer: That's really cool. What made you decide to join the Air Force instead of the other branches?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider explains her decision to join the military and why she chose the Air Force over other branches.

00:08:11 - Daily activities

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Partial Transcript: Interviewer: What did you do when you were on base?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider details her duties and supervisory work as an equipment inspector at an Air Force base in Wisconsin.

00:09:39 - Deployment to Iraq

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Partial Transcript: Interviewer: Have you been deployed at all?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider describes the living conditions and her duties while in Iraq.

00:11:22 - "Alert Red"

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Partial Transcript: Interviewer: Does anything stick out from while you were over there that you are allowed to talk about?

Segment Synopsis: The base Schneider was stationed at was regularly shelled with mortars. Schneider describes the first time she saw a mortar explode and how the constant bombardment affected her work.

00:15:43 - Time off on base

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Partial Transcript: Interviewer: That’s good. When you were over there um did you like-- do things that you did apart from your job that you just had to do every day like good luck rituals or anything like that?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider describes how she and other service people made special bracelets from string and buttons. These bracelets had a lot of personal significance for her and her colleagues.

00:20:21 - Pranks on colleagues

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Partial Transcript: Interviewer: You must have had some down time or got up to some kind of mischief or fun?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider details how she and others would play pranks on their colleagues to relieve stress.

00:29:47 - Being a woman in the military

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Partial Transcript: Interviewer: So you said being a woman really didn't have any difference you don't think?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider discusses how being a woman affected her military career and how she was treated by her male colleagues.

00:32:35 - Pride in her military service

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Partial Transcript: Interviewer: Is that the kind of reaction when you are out on the weekend and some guy’s like “What do you do?” “ Yeah I'm in the military.”

Segment Synopsis: While Schneider is proud of her military service, she has mixed feelings about telling others about her service. She feels uncomfortable discussing her service in the current political climate and that civilians would stereotype her.

00:35:48 - Future career plans

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Partial Transcript: Interviewer: Are you planning to stay in for like the twenty years?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider details her future career plans. She's chosen to stay in the Air Force but is leaning towards a civilian position instead of active duty.

00:37:20 - Civilian reception

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Partial Transcript: Interviewer: I don't know if you can answer this but how long ‘til you talk where you where?

Segment Synopsis: Schneider continues to discuss how local politics and negative civilian reception contribute to her reluctance to talk about her military service. She tries to keep her military life separate from her political viewpoints.

00:43:27 - Emotional effects of a military career

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Partial Transcript: Interviewer: So since you have been home are there things that bother you, like things that trigger?

Segment Synopsis: The constant shelling at her base in Iraq has made Schneider sensitive to certain noises. She briefly discusses how noise triggers affect her and her sister, who served on the same base as Schneider.

00:45:26 - Interview conclusion

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Partial Transcript: Interviewer: Anything else you want to talk about?

Segment Synopsis: The interview concludes