...February, we will discuss the 2021 film Foxhole. Your mission is to watch the movie, which is available from most libraries or on streaming services (we will not be watching...

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Copy Right and Legal Information

WDVA Legal Notices and Disclaimers The State of Wisconsin, Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) maintains its websites to give public access to Department information. While we try to keep the...

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What You Can Support

...the collections to preserve them in perpetuity acquiring artifacts and documents significant to the stories of Wisconsin veterans funding educational programs, both online and in-person Please call us at (608)261-0536...

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January 2021 Virtual! Drink & Draw

DAZZLE CAMOUFLAGE There’s nothing better than starting the new year with a little dazzle. Join us for January’s Virtual Drink & Draw where we will have fun experimenting with the...

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March Madness 2021 our Instagram story each weekday. The Glorious Beards Captain Ephraim Blakeslee Ephraim Blakeslee was born in Fenner, New York on May 12, 1838 and as a young child moved...

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Book Talk – The Party Dolls: The True, Tragic Story of Two Americans’ Attempted Escape from a 1969 Hanoi POW Camp (Independently Published, 2021)

The Wisconsin Veterans Museum welcomes George Hayward to introduce his newest work, The Party Dolls. This story of escape from a Hanoi prisoner of war camp details the horrors of...

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Veterans Day Observance 2021

Page under construction

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PRESENTATION-Kolakowski & Admiral Rucker

On Wisconsin – a New Meaning!

...Korea, the Cold War, and the Persian Gulf War. Construction of SSBN 827 Wisconsin began in 2021, and the Navy plans for at least 12 Columbia class submarines by 2042....

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Oral History

...Oral Historian with questions. How can these interviews be accessed? Online Using Google, search using the person's full name and add the words "oral history interview" This will provide a...

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Gather Stories of Your Family’s Veterans with Research Resources from the Wisconsin Veterans Museum

...the direction of someone who does. You can find our online genealogy resources on our website. The most commonly used resources are our Civil War, Spanish-American War, and World War...

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