Leonard Schutta's crew. Schutta is kneeling in the front row on the left.

Overhead at Omaha Beach with D-Day Flier Leonard Schutta

In the early morning hours of 6 June 1944 off the coast of Normandy, France, on a stretch of coast forever immortalized that day with the name of Omaha, roughly 34,250 US soldiers aboard hundreds of landing craft and naval vessels of all sizes waited for H-hour, the time designated

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Fuller's Flag

Flag Day, U.S. Army Birthday and Father’s Day Post

For Flag Day and the Army’s Birthday today, and with Father’s Day coming up , we share this small flag and bible carried by Henry C. Fuller, Sr., of Whitewater, WI, throughout his service in World War I. In 1974, Fuller wrote a letter to his daughter telling the story of these two meaningful mementos when he gifted them to

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OH2030.Lor Access Image2

Honoring Hmong Veterans of Wisconsin

Written by Luke D. Sprague, Oral Historian Hmong veterans of Wisconsin sacrificed their lives, homes, and livelihoods due to their alliance with the United States during the Secret War in Laos from 1961 to 1975. These Hmong, armed, trained, and organized by the United States and its allies, fought in

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June 2021 VIRTUAL! Drink & Draw with Guest Artist M.B. Dallocchio

 Mixed-Media Sketchbooks with special guest artist M.B. Dallocchio   Date: June 11, 2021   Time: 7-8PM  We are thrilled to announce M.B. Dallocchio as our guest artist for the June 2021 Drink & Draw. Grab your drawing supplies and your sketchbook to learn how to create a mixed-media sketch book. This month’s

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Wisconsin Veterans Remember the Holocaust

Written by Luke D. Sprague, Oral Historian The Holocaust remains one of the most horrific events in human history. During the Second World War, six million Jews were systematically murdered by Nazi Germany. These brutal and inhuman actions remain fresh in the memories of the survivors. Ensuring that future generations

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The Barber Brothers

Generations of Service

Military service ripples in families beyond an individual servicemember. Often over the past 150 years, it is not uncommon to have a parent serve followed by a child emulating their example. Sometimes this legacy of service extends into grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Just as some families run a commercial enterprise over

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Thumbnail of Carolyn Morgan

Carolyn Morgan: In Her Own Words

Written by Luke D. Sprague, Oral Historian Carolyn Morgan was one of the first African American women to enlist in the 115th Fighter Wing, Wisconsin Air National Guard in 1980. Later in 1985, she decided to go full-time active duty and trained to become a cook. Her first duty station

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Fellow WASPs posing together in their flight gear.

Women’s Unequaled Service

Prior to World War II, the only generally accepted role for a woman in the United States military was as a nurse, a position relegated to civilian status with few benefits. With the exception of a select group of women serving in the navy, marines and coast guard during World

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March Madness 2021

Here's the Big Hairy Deal you’ve been waiting for. The Wisconsin Veterans Museum March Madness Beards vs Mustaches Tournament begins. From March 15th until April 3rd the finest Wisco whiskers will face off each weekday. You, our loyal fans, will determine the finest facial hair in the collection by giving

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March 2021 Virtual! Drink & Draw

Welcome to the March 2021 Virtual! Drink & Draw No experience is necessary. Gather your supplies, pour yourself a beverage, and bring your artistic energy as we spend the evening together stretching our creative muscles. Feel free to reference some of the provided drawing guides below. This event is free

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